A Therapeutic Grief Workbook for Talking to Your Child About Love and Loss
My Heart Hurts is a workbook for children and teens who have experienced the death of someone whom they love and who is important to a grief specialist, Karen Jaggers works with so many heartbroken children who just want to understand what is happening to them. Her greatest hope in creating this workbook, is that this workbook will make a real difference in the lives of grieving families. It facilitates the many questions kids ask during private counseling sessions that they are afraid to talk about with other people. My Heart Hurts can help a grieving child begin to process the loss of anyone who was important to them, as well as guide adults as to how to begin a dialogue about loss and grief with a grieving child. Regardless of the type of loss: grandparent, parent, sibling, teacher, friend, or pet, no child should have to figure out how to handle the emotions of grieving all alone. Whether you are a parent, a pastor, a mental-health professional, or a teacher who is also grieving the loss, the best way to provide the unique help
children need at such a difficult time isn't always clear. My Heart Hurts makes it easier. Written by grief specialist Karen Jaggers, MS, NCC, LPC, this workbook provides an effective way to help children and teens when they need it most. And for children who are hurting, getting some extra help can make all the difference.